See a Reasonable End to the Sleep-deprivation.

The phrase, sleeping like a baby, takes on a whole new meaning when you have a newborn! They start their little life waking up every 2 hours to eat.

How do they go from that to sleeping through the night? Believe it or not, it doesn't happen automatically.

Lots of parents are still woken up at all hours of the night with their baby and toddler.

But, through proper routines and handling, I will teach you how to train your newborn to stretch out their night.

The goal is that by 12 weeks old (from due date, if preemies), you can expect your baby to sleep 8 to 12 hours at night.

Get a Sneak Peak of What You Will Learn in This Course.

NOTE: When I mention newborn ages, please adjust to the estimated due date for preemies and newborns born early.

For example, if a newborn was born 3 weeks early, then consider them 0 weeks old at their estimated due date when figuring out reasonable sleep expectations.

Each Lesson Includes...

  • Video lecture
  • Handouts
  • Check-your-understanding Quiz
  • The opportunity for me to answer your questions in the comments section

This course is closed for enrollment.